
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Flower girl!

I have a couple of special cakes to do in the next few days and need some flowers. Since the flowers have to dry before I use them, I have time to play. Now, I am new to sugarpaste. I have watched a few tutorials and am ready to dive in, but  please don't ask me for advice...I won't pretend to know what I am doing!

First I wanted to make some calla lillies.  I watched a terrific tutorial by Edna de La Cruz of "Design me a Cake" fame on you tube. (If you are interested in gumpaste flowers, you have to watch her videos!)  Apparently, I already had everything I needed right in my kitchen! No need to buy any special tools, yay!
No, these are not hats! I don't have flower cones to dry the flowers on, so I wrapped some cling wrap over some ice cream cones. (Please excuse the nasty pan, it's been well loved! It has been retired from actual food duty.)

Here is one almost finished! The stamen was done with a "sausage" of gumpaste fondant rolled in cornmeal. Looks real doesn't it? Wait until I color it a bit, I'll post the cake when it's done.

Now for the best part! My 11 year old daughter Jenna, wanted to try some flowers too. I let her watch a rose making video by David Cakes of "CAKINCRAZY" on you tube, and off she went!

Her very first try!  She is a natural! See that perfect rose? No tools used, no rolling pin, no cutters...just her talented little fingers. And, it only took her about 3 minutes. Guess who's making my roses from now on?
I'm so proud of her I could burst!


  1. Great job. Isn't it amazing what you can learn off the internet. In my cake lessions we made several flowers but I have seen ones I like much better on-line so I always do a search on you tube first and go from there :) Love that most of them don't even use cutters!

  2. Awesome job! Nice to see young people interested in the art of cake decorating. Great to have parents who let you be creative.

  3. Way to go Jenna! Awesome job! My birthday is June 11...just getting my request in early.
    Luv, Auntie Teri

  4. WOW!!!!!! Very impressive Jenna!! I wish I were that talented. Now you can make your own flowers for all the designer handbags/shoes you'll be making me throughout the years. :)
    Hugs and kisses!
    Luv Auntie Kelli

  5. Oh....and your flowers were great too Lorri. :)

  6. Oh, and your flowers were great too Lorri. :)


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