
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Jenna!

My baby girl Jenna is turning 12 this week.  12!!! When did that happen? She's growing up way too fast.
Her official birthday is on Wednesday (Groundhog Day!), but we have to go to the city to visit the orthodontist (really should have planned that better-braces on her birthday! I'm a terrible mother), so we had cake and a slumber party this weekend.  To make up for the orthodontist, I baked her cake by request. She asked for chocolate fudge layer cake and even found a pic on the internet of the cherry blossom decorating she wanted.  This is as close as I could get...

The curly one is my Jenna, with her BFF Cara.
They like blue, can you tell? 
Jenna wants me to straighten her hair like Cara's,
and Cara wishes she had curls...
Girls, you're beautiful just the way you are!!
They were happy with the cake though, check out those smiles!

Jenna got an iPod Touch for her birthday, they are in her room texting each other right now. I won't pretend to understand it.
I think I may have to break in with some nail polish and force a mani/pedi on them.


  1. What a beautiful cake - well done.

    Toni :o)

  2. Hi Lorrinda

    Wow, the cake looks amazing, I love the colour.

    They do just grow up so fast dont they?! I wish I could just slow it down a little.

    Michelle :-)

  3. That is one beautiful cake I'm sure it was just as tasty too

  4. Your cake is gorgeous, and Happy Birthday to you dd! I have a 12-yr-old dd also, and she Skypes her bff (who lives across town) every day.
    I might have to try the mani/pedi idea, lol.

  5. Wow that cake is gorgeous! Your dd and friend are super super cute! It is always so funny my bff always wanted my straight blond hair and I always wanted her curly red stuff. Girls...


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