
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Blogaversary to me BLOG CANDY!

Blogs.  Blogging.  Blogger.  Google Reader. 
Hyperlink.  Upload.  Download.  Linky.
In my copy of Webster's Dictionary, these words don't even exist (OK, so my dictionary is from my university days and according to my kids that was "back in the nineteen hundreds"!)

In this relatively new medium we can have a place of our own; where we can meet and network with people with similar interests; where we can share pieces of ourselves; where we can stretch our wings and learn new things and where sometimes we make friends with a kind word and not with a tweet or a poke :)

One year ago, after lurking on the blogs of many talented people who inspire me, I decided to start a blog of my very own.  My intentions were to have a place to share my crafts with other crafty people.  It started with my first post HERE.  I really had no expectations.  I remember the day I got my very first follower, I was so excited that someone was interested in what I was doing enough to actually FOLLOW me?!

In just one short year, I am amazed at how my little page in blogland has grown. I am blown away by my blog stats that show where my viewers have come from this year. I have followers from 11 countries with over 30,000 visits! This blogging thing has really opened the door to the world for this small town Alberta girl.

I have had the pleasure of corresponding with some of you outside of this blog, and am grateful for the opportunity to make cyberfriends from all over the world!  I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of you, and how your comments really brighten my day.

I am also grateful for the many fabulous blogs I have discovered through comments left here. My Google Reader is full of the blogs I am following; it's a comforting place I come to when I need some inspiration, some instruction, or just some eye candy. I know how encouraging it is to read the kind words left by my readers, and I have challenged myself to leave more comments on all of the blogs I visit in 2011.
The online crafting world is such a generous place of sharing and support, and I love it here!

So, friends....sing along...
"Happy Blogaversary,
Happy Blogaversary,
Happy Blogaversary, 
Haaaaa-py Blogaversary!"
For my first blogaversary, to show my appreciation for my followers,
I am giving away BLOG CANDY!!

Wanna see what's in those bags?

CTMH Discovery Level 1 Scrapbook Kit

CTMH Perfect Day Level 2 Paper Pack

CTMH Rough and Tumble Level 2 Paper Pack

Assorted pink and purple papers

Assorted green papers

Assorted Orange, Pink and Brown papers

CTMH Triple Play Mini Album Kit, includes stamp set, inks and instructions.

CTMH Acrylic stamps "Key to My Heart" and "Something Splendid"

SU Birthday Calendar and Happy Moments Cling Stamps

CTMH Finishing Files and assorted bling

Mini Album, Tag Album and Gift Card Album

If I reach 200 blog followers,
I will throw this into the candy pile!

Here's how to enter:
  1. You must be a follower.  If you've been lurking...welcome! You can sign up to follow this blog over on the right sidebar. Open to everyone worldwide, including fellow CTMH consultants :)
  2. Leave a comment to enter, and please tell me which of my posts is your favorite, or what you would like to see more of on my blog.
  3. You can earn an EXTRA entry if you spread the word about my blogaversary candy and share a link to this post on your blog. Just leave a second comment here with your blog address so I can check it out!
Contest closes January 30, 2011.
On February 1, I will randomly choose a winner
from among the comments entered,
and will announce the winner here on my blog,
who will have 7 days to claim their candy or I pick another name.

I sincerely appreciate your visits
and your comments,
I am inspired by you every day!

Comments are now closed.
Winner to be announced shortly!


  1. Wow, I'm the first one. Cool. All your posts are great, I have been following you for several months. If I had to pick just one, it would be the Christmas Tree cupcakes. They looked too good to eat!!

    Congrats on your blogaversary!!

  2. Here is my blog address.

  3. Here is my blog address:

  4. I think I'm going into cyberspace for some reason. I really love your blog and can see why it is so popular. The look is so creative. I agree with Trish that my favorite is the Christmas Tree cupcakes.

    Congrats on your blogaversary!

  5. I'm singing to you ;) Awesome blog candy :) I would say a post of yours that really sticks out would be the Northern Lights card you made a while back. I just loved that & every time I see that stamp set I think of you:) I love all your work!

  6. Happy blogaversary, and I agree with Debbie, the Northern Lights card is awesome. I am so excited to start working with you at H2H you are one talented crafter! Oh and I finally remembered to actually become and official follower.

  7. Happy Blogaversary my friend! Congrats on your 1 year! You have so many wonderful posts, I can't choose just one as my fav! I am really looking forward to your H2H posts and the wonderful artwork you create for the challenges!

    I already had you in my google reader, but I also just became an official follower. (I hope you reach your 200 goal!) *Ü*

  8. Happy Blogaversary, Lorrinda!! That's quite the lovely pile of blog candy you have there... I'll add a link on my blog for sure :o) I have to agree with Debbie & Jessica, about how much I loved your Northern Lights/Polar Bear card - I was telling someone about it yesterday!

  9. Happy Blog Anniversary. I love your Paper Cubed Entry that you made for Halloween with Thriller. I absolutely love Halloween and you did an awesome job on this!

  10. I'm a your gift bags that you made and the Christmas Tree Cupcakes (too cute!)...still need to check out more. Lauren~

  11. OK I linked my blog!

  12. Blessings and a BIG Congratulations on reaching your first Blogaversary, Lorrinda. It's a blessings to be on team with you. I admire your talent and your sweet nature.

  13. What a great blog! I'm a new follower...but have to say I love challenges the best, so it is good to see the H2H challenges. Congrats on your blogiversary.

  14. I made some comments on my blog about your blogaversary! Thanks, Lorrinda!

  15. I thought I left one already but just in case, I love your H2H designs esp. the Happy Canada Topiary, it first drew me to your blog. Special mention of the tree masking card and embossed polar bear card, they are my second favorites.

    Congrats on your Blogaversary! Please keep inspiring us with your beautiful art!
    Donna McGlasson

  16. Hi Lorrinda

    Oh gee, make it hard why don't you, lol. Like I can pick just one of your incredible creations!!
    Well, if you are going to force me then it would have to be your post on 4th June, A Card They're sure to keep and a tutorial.
    Absolutely LOVE it.

    Happy Blogaversary!!

    Michelle :-)

  17. Oh, left a link to your candy at the tippy top of my side bar.

    Michelle :-)

  18. Happy Blogaversary Lorrinda!!!
    I became a follower the first time I discovered your blog on H2H. Your "Northern Lights" card made my jaw fall to the floor, so that is one of my very favorites. I will post you on my Facebook page since I've had great success there. You ROCK!!!

  19. Isn't it sweet that I am a follower of a great blog site!! Yayyyy!!! WOW you are talented, everything you do is PRICELESS and it is really hard to pick just one of your creations because I seriously love them all but I LOVED your Hedgehog Pop Up Stage Birthday card.. SO CUTE and I am sure whoever received that card was so excited and I am sure very impressed. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for the future!! Happy Blogaversary!!! Take Care :)

  20. Opps, I didn't want to be anonymous (my message above) but I didn't know how to leave the message once it says select profile.. Sorry. Any who my name is Hope M. Great Blog!!

  21. Love your blog! My favorite post lately is the gingerbread house, so fun! You are so talented, keep it up, I can't wait to see what you do next! Thank You, Jen Lee

  22. Happy Blogaversary! I've posted a link to your candy post on my blog at Thanks for the opportunity!

  23. Yay I am now a follower..

    So for the non scrap post I loved the most was your Christmas tree cupcakes. They were adorable.

    And as for scrap post, I loved all your wonderful Christmas ideas. But I particularly love your gift card holder. How cute but also very useful. Go you!!!

  24. I must also say that I truly adore your birthday mini albums you make. I am going to have to try that idea.

  25. Happy Blogaversary, Lorrinda! This is so exciting! I would have to say this is my favorite post since this is the first one that I have read! I am a new follower, too. Oh, I recently started a blog just a few months ago so I know the feeling. It is so wonderful sharing and caring with others. Congrats to you! May you have many more blogaveraries!!

  26. I just tweeted about your blogaversary with a link to your blog. Have fun! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!!

  27. Happy Blogaversary!!! I love your site, I am a new follower. So glad to find a someone else who loves CTMH products. Thanks so much for sharing your amazing talent and caring spirit. Your blog candy is awesome.

  28. Happy Blogaversary! I loved your Love you Forever stamp set post(H2H Challenge #5). It was just the sweetest card and it was a wowzer (not that you don't wow me a lot!). Please keep posting.

  29. Happy Blogaversary! your work is amazing, My fav is your Holiday planner and your easy to follow how to make steps.. keep it up you have an awesome talent and eye..
    my blog -

  30. I am a follower. I got to your blog thru the Heart2Heart challenges--really love your work. I think one of my favorite things you made were the Halloween treat bags/holder--that was really clever! Thanks for a chance at your blog candy!

  31. I am already a follower, love your work. I think my most recent favorite was your gingerbread house. Thanks for the generous offering of blog candy...pick me, pick me!

  32. I posted this to my blog as well. You can check it out at

  33. Yep, the NOrthern lights post was awesome!! I am a follower and I will share this on my Fiskateer message board too!

  34. I just became a follower. Hoping you get to 200 followers.

  35. I became a follower and linked u up on my sidebar...thanks for being so generous

  36. Wow!! what sweet candy!! I looked at some of ur work..I love the butterfly kiss card..and the emboss resist one..Great creations

  37. Happy blogaversary.I just became a follower.I hope that you get to 200

  38. Happy Blogaversary :0)
    So I must say snooping around your blog, I love the wine glass posting...I have so many wine glasses and this was this best idea I've seen...OMG!

  39. Hello Happy Blogaversary. I have been reading your blog via my google reader for some time now. my favorite card recently is this one

    I will go post your blog candy at my blog now at

  40. You can find my shout out at Thanks for this great chance to win

  41. Happy blogoversary! I am a follower and will link your blog candy! :0)

  42. oh wow!!! what candy!!! I have just found your blog and love what i have seen :)

    Happy blogoversary!!!

  43. I have been following you for a while now, and you have inspired me to start my own blog. I am going through blog names this week, so hopefully I will be able to link soon! - Sonya R

  44. Love your work, Lorrinda! Congrats on your 1st blogaversary! I follow you... but you probably already know that... lol

  45. I linked this post on my blog...

    Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I couldn't possibly pick a fave creation of yours. There are just too many to love.

  46. Come on choose just one, right!! I got hooked on your blog through H2H, always awesome creations, thats why your a 8 time winner. Happy Anniversary!!


  47. wow what an awesome prize. you are truly amazing. Happy Blogaversary.

  48. Happy Blogaversary! Love it! Thank you to Vicki W for helping me find you. Here's to many more happy blogging years!

  49. *I am an Official "follower" now but I have Loved your work on H2H!! Especially the Christmas gift box (house) you posted back in December!! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win some goodies!! Will post a link from my blog as well!!

    Follow me too please everyone!!

  50. What a great giveaway! I am officially a follower ... using Google as well as using Networked Blogs on Facebook. :-)

  51. Oops! Forgot to mention that my favorite post is actually one of your more recent ones ...the organizer with the faux leather finish. Definitely going to be making that but use it for coupons etc. :-)

  52. I forgot to say, "Happy Blogoversary" earlier but am doing it now ... LOL

    I have posted about your blog candy on my blog and the link to it is

  53. Happy Blogoversary! I love your blog and follow it often! I am now an official "follower" and have shared your blog on my blog at Keep up the great work! Karen Silva

  54. Happy Blogoversary. I'm new to your blog and just spent an hour going through posts :-) I'm now a follower and my favorite project is the Christmas organizer. I'm going to go make a wedding one for my future sister in law. Thank you for the inspiration.

  55. Happy Blogoversary, my favorite is from march 11, 2010, it is the Happy St. Patricks/ Birthday pop-up card! I have just found your page tonight and had so much fun looking through all of your stuff, keep up the great work!

  56. Happy Blogoversary. I view your blog from time to time from the H2H challenge site. I look forward to seeing all that you will be sharing as on the DT at H2H. I love the tree you made on the card on Nov 29th. I will become a follower.
    rebeccajholley [at] gmail [dot] com

  57. Congrats and Happy Blogaversary!! I just loooooove the Christmas Planner tutorial. I think I am going to make a bunch of those to give as gifts this next year =)

  58. I am a follower and excited that you're on the DT at H2H!

    My favorite post/item you have created was at Halloween time when you made the little cartons out of acetate & had them all grouped together! Such a great item!!

  59. I'm a new follower but have been at your site before. Everyone must see the post of June 1st. Those cherry boxes are the cutest things I have ever seen. Love them!! Thanks for a chance to win some candy. Very generous candy!!


  60. Happy Blogaversary! So many favorites! How to choose? I absolutely love the gingerbread house and the Birthday Card from Friday, June 4, 2010. It's always so hard to find something unique and creative. Thanks so much for your generosity in sharing your creativity.

  61. My favorite post is the homemade gift box with the cookies inside. The box is a gift itself!

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Hi Lorrinda!! Happy blogaversary =) New follower here and i'm really enjoying your blog so far. Thanks for letting your visitors celebrate with you! I'd love to see more tutorials. I love that holiday day planner you did with the faux leather finish (amazing!). Keep up the amazing work and I hope you're having a fantastic 2011!

  64. Just finished posting a picture of your giveaway on my side bar. Thanks again =)

  65. I love blogging. I am serious thinking about creating a blog again! I am selling CTMH again and I need lots of ideas, inspiration and help from every angle! I love your design of your blog and hope to get to know you! I signed up to sell again under Melinda and that's where I saw your blog! Keep up the great work!

  66. Hey. I've been following your blog for the last 6 months or so through Google Reader. My favourite posts are the 3D ones you do. I am always in awe of what you create with paper...

  67. Congratulations, Lorrinda! I have admired your artwork for the past several months and am so glad you are on the H2H design team! Your artwork is always spectacular! My favorite is your latest--Margaritaville--the 3D effect is wonderful. You are inspiring me to get back to posting on my own blogsite now that the holiday gatherings have abated. Thank you for also posting your fabulous artwork on the CTMH art board. Best wishes for another fabulous year!
    :) Marie Flayer in NJ

  68. Wow, Lorinda, you know how to celebrate a blogaversary! Love the Jimmy Buffett card, I would love to be at the beach right now.

  69. Hi Lorinda
    I love your blog. I've created a blog but not quite ready to launch it yet. I've created a 3D card for the sporting competition at Paper cubed but again I need to get the blog ready. Love the margarita and can feel the suns rays in my imagination.

    Susan Freeland

    Any blog hints would be appreciated.

  70. Great Blog! I personally love the gift bags post - because we ALL have a stash of paper we haven't used - what a great way to use it up! :) Thanks for the ideas. And your simple but elegant christmas card for your parents(?) is "all white" ;)


    Spreading the word - posted on my blog. :)

  72. Congrats on your blogaversary! I just became a follower after seeing your card on H2H. I love it!

  73. Congrats on your blogsaversary! I have to admit that today is my first visit -- but I am now a follower and NOT because of the candy giveaway. You have such a beautiful blog -- I'll be back with each new post!

  74. I love your blog. My favorite post is A CARD THEY'RE SURE TO KEEP from 6-4-10. I made one similar for my grandfather's 80th birthday and it was a big hit. Thanks for the great tutorial.

  75. I love, love, love your Year you were born card, something I'll definately be making myself.

  76. I think my favourite blog posts of yours are your tutorials, especially the holiday planner and the birthday books - they're awesome! I am now a faithful follower. Congratulations on your first blogaversary and on reaching over 200 followers!

  77. Wow, I can't decide, everything is awesome, I love the P3 challenges!!! Thank you for sharing your gift!!!!

  78. My favorite post is the your craft room. I, too, am an organizational freak! And my "studio", like yours, is also the guest room! I have been a blurker for a while, but now I am a follower! I just stepped into the world of blogging last week and I will post a link to your giveaway if I can figure out how to do it! Love your creativity!

  79. I'm a new follower. I'd visited your blog once before via Michelle's 'Make It Monday' All your 3D projects are awesome. Thanks for your tutorials. I hope to share some of my 3D projects & cakes on my new blog soon.

  80. I have linked the giveaway in the sidebar of my blog. (http//

  81. Congrats on your Blogaversary,Lorrinda.Love yr 3D projects,hope to see more of your creations.

  82. Congratulations on a Blog well done!!! Thanks for the chance to win blog candy!!!

  83. Happy blogaversary to you Lorrinda, you really dont want me to sing I promise you lol...thanks for the chance to win your lush candy...I love the post about your craftroom, I love to see inside people craftrooms as I always get such excellent ideas for storage
    Mina xxx

  84. Hi! I'm a new follower! LOVE your blog, it's so cute! well, since you asked so nicely - I love your tutorial posts! you should post more of those! the best one, I think, is the home made flower soft. it's amazing! thanks for sharing!

  85. second comment, since I published on my blog ( I just want to end up by joining your song: "Happy Blogaversary,
    Happy Blogaversary,
    Happy Blogaversary,
    Haaaaa-py Blogaversary!"

  86. Happy Blogaversary! And thank you for the chance to win such yummy candy.
    I just discovered your blog today (via Mina), so I can't say which post is my fav. I love your cards/bags, etc, tho, and would love to see lots of those. I love to see others' work to get ideas, relax, etc. And I love CTMH! I only just found CTMH, and their products are so pretty.

  87. i am new to your site and i am loving just about all your work.. I think I like your tutorials (I love trying new ideas) but my favorite card is your tribute to Jimmy Buffet. I love the colors and the glass made of vellum.

  88. Anne here again..I am a follower and have posted your blog candy on my right side bar.. and will post a short post about your candy - take a look here:


  89. How can anyone pick just one favorite post? You can do remarkable things with paper--just loved the house you created. However, I tend to enjoy the cards you share. For Christmas cards I particularly liked your post on 11/15/10, which you shared two cards. Both cards were wonderful, but I was drawn to the JOY card. The embossing set it off!

  90. You can check out my blog at:

    I did a post about your blog and the candy you are offering. Thank you for another chance to win!

  91. Wow where do I start, your blog is fab especially the tutorials, which is my fave post, do I have to pick just one, in that case it would have to be the card with the Polar Bear and the Northern Lights, absolutely brilliant, think I might try that one , thanks for the chance of such wonderful candy and congrats on your Blogaversary...I'll be back ( as Arnie would say!)...hugs Kath...

  92. I'm now following your blog! Great blog♥
    i have popped your candy into my sidebar, Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  93. Happy Blogoversary and My fave is lookin at people's craft spaces and your's is amazing to see so organized I love it thanks for sharing it with us and thanks for a chance to win some FAB!!! Candy
    hugs Nikki C
    I now follow you too

  94. I've linked you in my sidebar
    thanks again
    hugs Nikki C

  95. Thanks for a chance to win your yummy blog candy! sorry for my english spero di vincere un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
    public slidebar on
    Hugs, rosa
    i am new follower
    blog creative:
    i love davvero spettacolare ;-) ciao

  96. Happy Blogaversary. Thanks for inviting us to the party.

    I'm a follower of your blog. I'm starting to try mini books now, so enjoyed your post with the tutorial - anything on mini books would be great.

    Thank You.

  97. I've added your blogaversary candy pic to my sidebar at and linked back.

    Thanks again.

  98. Happy blogaversary! :)))
    Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy!
    I love the post about your craftroom and a wineglass candle lampshade.
    Have a great day,

  99. I'm a follower and I put your link in my sidebar on my blog -

  100. What a lovely candy, dear! Thanks a lot for a chance to win!:))

    I`m your new follower, and i put yor link on my left sidebar!


  101. Hi! Great candy! Thank you for the chance to win, I love all your post!

  102. And on my blog:

  103. Hi Lorrinda!
    Congrats on your Blogoversary!
    You have awesome blog! I found great ideas in your tutorials!!! (
    Love your great games with stamps (
    your cakes it's sooooo beautiful! ( )
    But my fav post - - your craft-room/// It's a dream for me!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win your awesome candy! I would like to be the lucky winner. Really want to try "Close to my heart" products. I see a lot of CTMH stamps on the internet, but unfortunately did not find any store with shipping to my country :(
    Thankis for the chance to win- thanks for the chance to touch my dream ...
    With hope on my heart :)

  104. Hi Lorrinda! Congratulations on your blogoversary!! Its quite an achievement. One of the best things about blog candy is that you stumble across the most interesting blogs and discover some amazing talent, I love it!! Have become and follower and look forward to seeing what 2011 will bring for you. All the best :-) Will advertise your candy on my blog:

  105. PPS thanks for the chance to win such a generous prize!! ;-)

  106. Congratulations Lorrinda on your Blogoversary. I have just found your blog and I loved reading about your craft room and your storage - I might have to 'borrow' a couple of your ideas for my own craft space.

    Happy Blogging.


  107. I have put you on my sidebar

  108. I keep coming back to see that amazing margarita card so I thought I'd say Hi!

  109. Happy Blogoversary! I'm following and really like your tutorials, like the faux leather explanation. I think the result is so great, and it looks quite easy! I'll definitely try this one :) Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  110. I've put a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win!

  111. Happy Blogoversary!!! I'm a new follower, and the first work I've seen is the card with the margarita on's amazing, how did you do it? And what a wonderful crafty room you have!
    Thanks for this candy!

  112. I put it on the sudebar of my blog here:



  113. I love all of your creative ideas but my favorite post is of your stamping space. I just love looking at how other people organize their stuff.

  114. At you fine blog!
    All is very interesting!
    This lodge has very much liked
    http: // //2010/12/home-made-gift-box.html
    Such holiday registration of a gift!

  115. And on the lateral panel has placed the information on a candy
    http: //

  116. I am a new follower. I really liked your work with the peacock, it is delightfully harmonious! =)

  117. I put a link on the sidebar of his blog here:
    Come visit, I will be glad to see you and thanks for the chance to win! =)

  118. I'm a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win!

    I like so much your works, I love the Holiday Planner.

    I put your candy in my blog:

    from spain, hurts Demae

  119. Hi!
    I love your post where you show the scraproom.I love to see other peoples scraproom and get idees and so on.

    I love to join your candy,thanks for tha chance to win!! I really really cross my fingers.
    Hope you have a good weekend!
    Hugs Malin

  120. Just want to say I also linked you on my blog.
    Hugs Malin

  121. Hi Lorrinda. I really want to win and I want one more chance :) - linked candy on my blog.
    Thanks!!! And congrats!!!!!

  122. Hi Lorrinda I just found your site and I have to say your daughters cake is gorgeous!! It looks like it would be great paper to scrap! I look forward to really checking out your older post. Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful blog candy!! Please check out my blog at I just show case layouts I have done, not to much more than that but I am thinking I need to do just a little bit more! Have a great day.

  123. Wow, your blog is amazing, full of goodies, and this candy is just great! I'm a new follower, so I don't have a favorite yet...but I've added you to my favorites, will be checking back!
    Greetings from Finland,

  124. Wow, what a candy. Thank you win.

  125. i just became follower!
    The thing i liked the best was that map you made to get organized, it was really great! And i hope you will give us some tutorals, i loved that really much and that is also the reason why i am hopping all over the blogs to get inspiration and to learn from all the tutorals i see every where!

  126. i also put this on my blog!

  127. Thank you very much for this candy! :-)

    Your blog is fantastic and my preferred post is:

    thank you and ciao

  128. Second chance:
    I have posted your candy link



Aren't YOU sweet! Thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to leave a comment. I truly appreciate it!