
Thursday, January 6, 2011

My First Blog Award!

Imagine my surprise when I was having my morning browse through my Google Reader, and I read Barbara Diane's post today, where she gave me a Stylish Blogger Award! I almost snorted my coffee all over my keyboard! Wow, THANK YOU Barbara Diane! I don't know what to say!

If you're not familiar with Barbara Diane's blog, Barbara's World of Whimcees, please stop by and check it out. She's got a wonderfully whimsical style and in addition to her papercrafts, she makes the most precious dolls and bears. I've (lovingly) nicknamed her the Owl Lady...check out her blog to see the fabulous countdown calendars she puts on her apartment door for holidays. I was impressed by her Halloween one, then blown away by her Christmas one.  I can only imagine the increase in foot traffic past her door on the holidays!  Drop by and say hello, make sure your mug's full so you can stay a while, there's lots to see.

On receiving this award we are to do the following:

* Thank the person who gave you the award on your blog.
* Share 8 things about yourself.
* Pass this award onto 8 other bloggers that inspire you.

Eight things about me:
1. I grew up on a Quarter Horse ranch, but I haven't been on a horse in 10+ years, and I really miss it.
2. I have 2 younger sisters.
3. I drive a Hyundai Santa Fe.
4. I've known my husband since I was 13, but we never dated until our late 20's.
5. My favorite season is Fall, after the first big frost and there are no more bugs.
6. I hate bugs.
7. I live in a place where there is snow 5 months of the year, and I don't own a pair of snow pants.
8. I love to bake, but everything I've tried with yeast has flopped.

Now the hard part...I'm supposed to pick 8 other bloggers that inspire me, and pass on this award.  I wish I had 50 of these, because I am inspired by all of the blogs I am following!

Below are 8 of the many blogs on my list that I get inspiration from.  Stop by each of them and you'll see right away why these are in my faves:
 A Path of Paper
Big Red Scraps
Lisa's Creative Corner
Tracey Mason's Studio
Wizard's Hangout
Paper and Ink Playground
Jessica's Paper Petals
Scrappin' My Heart Out

If you're on this list, please participate and pass this award on...isn't it a nice one to receive? 

Thanks again Barbara Diane!  You definitely made my day! I will keep this little award in my sidebar with pride!


  1. Congrats on your award - they are fun aren't they and so nice to share.

    Toni :o)

  2. Oh, Lorrinda! Thank you so much. I love everything you create, so this means a lot to me :)

  3. Thank you, you are so sweet you made my day.

  4. Lorrinda, It's me again I forgot to tell you about my blog. It was designed by Heather Rolin she is fabulous you can find her at I think she is super reasonable and she was so quick and sooo nice! If you have any questions just let me know!


Aren't YOU sweet! Thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to leave a comment. I truly appreciate it!