
Friday, November 11, 2011

Moxie Fab World: Random Fun Challenge

I'm not missing....I've just taken an unintentional extended crafting/blogging break.  I was only planning to slack over the summer, but then life just sucked me in.  I'm sure you can understand the demands on a working Mom who decided she needed a new kitchen...'nuff said.  Plus, I am officially addicted to Pinterest. Don't know what Pinterest is? Trust me, you don't want to know! Seriously, don't look it up or you will be sucked in to your computer and will never get out.  Don't. Go. There. Consider yourself warned.

Even Pinterest couldn't keep me from following along with my favorite crafting blogs, and I came across the Moxie Fab World 365 Cards Week  .  The new Papercraft special issue 365 Cards celebrates a card for every day of the year, including some wacky holidays and silly celebrations. There's a whole week of challenges, just what I needed to get away from Pinterest my crafty mojo kick-started back into gear!

Did you know there is a National Margarita Day?? Me neither! It's February 22, which I think is perfect, because here in Canada that is getting to the end run of a very long winter and I know I could really enjoy a margarita about then (but I could really enjoy a margarita on any given day :)

I just happen to have the perfect card for Moxie Fab World's Random Fun Challenge:

I made this card back in January, but I haven't given it to anyone because it`s one of my favorites and it would cost a premium to mail with all those's sitting on my display shelf in my craftroom just waiting to be entered in a challenge celebrating National Margarita Day! (So if some of my followers recognize this card, please don`t slam me for case-ing myself!)

Winter is just starting here, and this relaxing beach scene along with some Jimmy Buffet on my ipod is just what I need to mentally escape the cold dark winter months ahead. I think I'm just going to keep this card for myself.  Anyone want to join me for a margarita?  I found some great cocktail recipes on Pinterest that I want to try...

Thanks for checking out my blog!

All product CTMH
Stamps: D1228 Chillin' (sentiment), B1351 You're Sweet (lime)
Inks: Pear, Sky, Sorbet
Paper: cs in Sky, Sorbet, and Colonial White
Pear B&T duo paper from Olivia Level 2 pack
Brads: Spring, Summer and Basic Assortments
Opaques in Pearl and Mocha
Liquid Glass
Prisma Glitter
Techniques: masking, brayer and sponge backgrounds, paper tearing, edge distressing 


  1. I literally gasped when I saw this. It is super gorgeous!

  2. Hey Lorrinda! Thanks for linking this up to the Random Fun Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  3. Super chill card! Love the reflection in the water from the sun, but I think the beverage needs a reflection too :)


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