
Thursday, September 2, 2010

OLW18 Trees

I have been following a blog called Simplicity for quite some time now. You may know Late Blossom's work on Split Coast Stampers, she is the queen of CAS(Clean and Simple) cards. You can check out her gallery HERE.
I have always loved her simple style, but whenever I try to copy it I end up going overboard and end up with something not so clean and simple. 
Well, Late Blossom has a weekly challenge called One Layer Wednesday, and in order to groom a clean and simple style, I will need to challenge myself. So I finally decided to jump in and play along with her challenges.

This week, the OLW challenge is to use a tree stamp.
Here's what I ended up with,
I used  a CTMH stamp set B1319 Four Seasons, black ink, Flower Soft stuck on with Liquid Glass, and a scrap of black hemp because I thought it looked bare without it (Hello,CAS challenged, remember?) I think I could really get to like this CAS thing, this card took all of 10 minutes to make. The glue isn't even dry in this picture. I just want to spend less time on my cards and more time on my scrapbooks. Afterall, most people will toss a card after it starts to collect dust. Not me, but most people.

But the best part is the cheesy sentiment inside. 
I thought about stamping it, but didn't feel like piecing together all those letters, and printing it out from the computer would make it a 2 layer card, which breaks the rules. So, I handwrote it, even though I don't like my handwriting...Wow, this CAS style is so liberating!
Oh yes I did. The minute I saw this stamp set that song popped into my head. I've been dying to use it.
 I may be dating myself, but I always sing along to James Taylor.  I sing to Lady Gaga too, I'm a cool Mom.

But just to make me feel older than I already do, I have to share this:
On a recent summer road trip, I was singing along to Bon Jovi "Living on a Prayer", and my 9 yr old Shane whined from the backseat, "Mom, can you pleeeease change the station? I don't like music from the nineteen hundreds!"
My husband thought it was hilarious.  OK, I laughed too...that kid is making me gray.

Thanks for visiting my blog,
Can you believe 3 posts in 3 days?


  1. Nice idea to make the tree for all four seasons by using the flower soft. And now I have You've Got a Friend stuck in my head. Thanks. :)

  2. Clearly I don't have enough Flower Soft! This card is WONDERFUL!!!!!!

  3. Love this card! Now I have that song stuck in my head too!

  4. This is AWESOME Lorrinda!! What a great idea. Now that song is spreading though the heads of your followers like some kind of virus!!LOL.
    Atleast my little guys are still young enough to like listening to Mummy singing. :-)

  5. Oooooo!!! Love this! Definitely got to have this stamp set!! This is a B E A U T I F U L card!!!

  6. so the seasons!!

  7. I've always admired cards done with all seasons but need to actually do it. My kids won't let me sing at all, they always say "pleeeese get voice lessons"!

  8. Fabulous card! And I agree that 'clean and simple' cards are really fun to create.

    Hey - I also like songs from the NINETEEN HUNDREDS. lol Actually, my 17 yo daughter likes a lot of the "oldies" too. And I also enjoy listening to 'current' songs that she likes.

  9. I love this card. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Beautiful Card!!! I have this stamp set, I love the set, but haven't used it much. You have just inspired me to get it out! Thanks.

  11. FINALLY I'm allowed to post on your site and have NO idea why I've been trying and failing all day.

    LOVE your card and think you are a wizard for doing that green tree without green Flower Soft.

    You don't look old enough to love James Taylor. He's one of my faves and I'm nearly old enough to be your Grandma. But I've noticed these days people usually love what their parents loved because they heard it around the house alot while they were growing up.

    And your handwriting looks as good as any sentiment stamp, by the way. I've always wished mine did because often the perfect sentiment is in my head and not on rubber.

  12. Beautiful! I need to get my Flowersoft off the shelf!

  13. Hi there, a beautiful card, what d'you mean you don't like your handwriting? I would kill to have writing as good as yours it's gorgeous! Like the sentiment as well, cheesy is good sometimes :D xx

  14. Aweswome card! Cute story! Glad I like that song because I know it'll be with me all day.
    Blessings Bernie

  15. Great design!
    Sharon D. from Canada
    PS Thanks for the earworm!!!

  16. A fabulous card and a great design.

  17. Hi Lorrinda,

    I have been trying to leave a comment on your blog since last night but somehow could not connect....
    I think you are a genius - such an inventive brain. I love this card. It is so real!!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving compliments.

    I do love your sense of humour, too.

    Happy crafting,



Aren't YOU sweet! Thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to leave a comment. I truly appreciate it!